Tag Archives: Coon Mountain

Coon Mountain: Quiet Corners of the Park

Brigid finds a friend on the Coon Mountain Trail.

Brigid finds a friend on the Coon Mountain Trail.

As the days shorten, the nights cool and the first fall color strokes the maples, the hiking season heats up.

The bugs are gone, the summer dwindles and hikers feel a pull to the mountains.

In this corner of the Adirondacks, that means the popular and central trails can be mobbed.

Even on the northeast outskirts, at Lyon Mountain, Silver Lake Mountain and Poke-O-Moonshine, trailheads are busy. And in the Heart Lake region, you won’t find any late-summer solitude.

Instead, I look for the quiet corners of the park for a fun family trek. This weekend that meant Coon Mountain.

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